History Firmware PN/CAN Gateway SAE J1939 (700-673-PNC01) ========================================================= V3.02.000 14.12.2023 - update of the ProfiNet stack - ProfiNet Alarme are IEC norm conform now - Alarme addeted for CAN - LED pattern for the maintenace mode implemented - Firmware is usable for the new hardware (HW4-7 and higher) - the power on booting needs more time (technical reason) - a PROFINET BF/SF LED available (HW4-7 and higher) V2.52 11.07.2022 - receiving of PGNs with the PDU 1 format for a specified DA added - address mode funktions expanded - addressspecification of possible DAs for TX SP module corrected - Sending of the address claim message with address none after receiving of a address claim message with identical SA and higher priority - Sending of the address claim message with address none in address mode commanded address, if no address is commanded externally - an commanded address externally will only be accepted, if the Arbitrary-Address capable option is activated now - Modul for TX active modules will finish the working now if the SA/DA is identical with the own device address - bug of the function-instance value of the device name fixed - for missing send condition at TX activ modules will generate V2.04 04.12.2020 - PLC stopp bug fixed, shut down of the modules corrected V2.02 11.11.2020 - 1. Release